Our unique brand of online tutoring has a lot in common with in-person tutoring. First, all of our online tutoring is one-to-one, so our test prep and academic programs contain the same level of individualization that you would see in an in-person program. Second, we use the latest technology – including screen-sharing apps, document cameras, and digital whiteboards – to create a virtual work environment that feels just as high-touch as an in-person session.
Online tutoring differs from in-person tutoring in a number of ways. For starters, because tutors’ time is not monopolized by commuting to students’ homes, tutors are able to more flexibly schedule lessons. Simultaneously, because of the convenience of meeting online, the duration and frequency of lessons can be tailored to a student’s availability and learning needs. Some of our students prefer to meet with tutors for large blocks of time – particularly if there is an important exam to study for. Students who need simple ‘homework help’ or an instructor’s guidance in prioritizing school assignments may favor frequent checkpoints throughout the week.
In general, we have found that classroom test prep and tutoring are much less effective than online or in-person methods. Although classroom programs provide a collaborative, social atmosphere, the diversity of learners in a classroom prevent the instructor from addressing the unique needs of each student. Students on the margins, including highly advanced learners and those who require more basic support, are especially prone to be ignored in classroom settings. These students’ instructors must review topics that are most useful to the group.